43% of Canadian workers are at risk
of suffering from a psychological
health problem. ⁽¹⁾
(1) Canadian Mental Health Index Report (TELUS Health, February 2023)
Stress in the workplace is the main
cause of psychological health
problems among workers. ⁽²⁾
(2) Mental Health Commission of Canada
Diagnosis and support are mainly based
on identifying, analyzing and prioritizing
the psychosocial risks present within
your company.
Our self-supporting, short and engaging
training courses are designed and supervised
by specialists in psychology and
human resources.
Diagnosis and support are based primarily on identifying, analyzing and prioritizing the psychosocial risks present within your company.
Our self-supporting, short and engaging training courses are designed and supervised by specialists in psychology and human resources.
Discover our collaborations: employers, distributors, partners
– working together for sustainable mental health in the workplace.
Discover our collaborations: employers, presenters, partners
- together for sustainable mental health in the workplace.
Discover our collaborations:
employers, presenters, partners
- together for sustainable mental
health in the workplace.
Complete our assessment
and offer online training to
your employees to prevent psychosocial risks in
the workplace.
Become a distributor of our services for your clients.
Our training programs are engaging, self-contained,
and tailored to today’s
job market.
Become a partner with
headfirst and discover
how we can prioritize psychological health in
the workplace together.
Complete our assessment and
offer online training to your employees
to prevent psychosocial risks in
the workplace.
Become a distributor of our services
for your clients. Our training programs
are engaging, self-contained,
and tailored to today’s
job market.
Become a partner with headfirst
and discover how we can prioritize psychological health in the
workplace together.
Psychosocial risks in the workplace lead to significant costs for businesses and society
Absenteeism: $16.6 billion per year in lost productivity ⁽¹⁾
(1) Conference Board of Canada.
Loss of productivity: accounts for 59% of the costs associated with psychological injuries. ⁽²⁾
Short-term disability leave: estimated average cost close
to $18,000 per employee ⁽³⁾
(3) Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s
Employers see a return
of $4 for every dollar invested in supporting psychological health.
“Canadian Psychological Association”
According to the modernization of the LSST, businesses with 20 or more employees will be required to implement a prevention program that includes measures to manage psychosocial risks in the workplace.
headfirst is made up of a group of experts supporting organizations in the prevention of psychosocial risks by offering our services, including online training tailored to the realities of the labor market.
We hope that our initiatives and educational content will help position psychological health at the heart of the strategic objectives of Quebec’s businesses and organizations.
Our service offering allows you to identify psychosocial risks at work, establish your prevention plan, and implement it.
Our services enable you to identify psychosocial risks in the workplace, draw up a prevention plan and implement it.
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